
Mainly you’ll see my face around here - Tiffany. But, know, none of what I do is possible without the support of my family. They pick up the slack when I have to leave suddenly. They forgive me when I miss holidays, birthdays, and important events. They turn on my heating blanket and diffuser when I haven’t slept all night and need a nap. The day they stop supporting me will be the day I’ll need to retire.


Mike does all the behind-the-scenes (boring) stuff. Kidding. He does do all the bookwork, taxes, and money. He also builds props and fixes things that his family breaks (whoops). Mike is an Air Force Reserves Chaplain where he uses his Masters of Divinity to help spread the Gospel. He also is a worship and youth pastor at our church.

The kids work hard at school, help with chores, play outside for hours, and make us laugh (and go a little crazy) constantly.

I homeschool our 4 (and manage the baby), using my degree in Elementary Education, when I’m not working and try to maintain some sanity. I also help run our Coop, make meals from scratch, keep up with the laundry and all the chores. I teach childbirth classes, support women during labor (doula certified in 2019), and get to be apart of some really special moments. I am self-taught and a complete birth nerd.

Where we are Located

God has given us the opportunity to work from home where Mike gutted and rebuilt our home studio south of Haysville, KS.  Here I take newborn, milk bath, and some milestone photos as well. There’s even a stocked fridge and TV. Boom. Most of my outdoor shooting is done at either sunrise or sunset to get the yummiest God-given light.

How We Got Started

Tiffany’s had a camera in her hands all her life and has pruned her skills through hard work and practice.   A photographer life isn’t always glamorous but through dedication and a passion for people our business has supported us me working from home for the past 5 years.  Since my first paid gig in 2008 I have photographed over 2,200 sessions and 250 birth stories.  THAT is a huge honor that I don’t take for granted!

What’s in the Bag

I have a mirrorless Canon R5, (backup Canon 5D Mark iii) an 85mm 1.2, and 35mm 1.2, 100mm macro along with candy for bribery and extra lens caps when I loses mine.

The Why

Three grew in my womb and two we hand-picked through fostering and adopting (finalized August 2017). Raising these five is the most difficult thing we’ve ever done but the most rewarding as cliché as that is.  We’re not just raising children—we’re raising sensitive, loving souls who are quick to help, have a desire to learn, and are found in the likeness of Christ.

Our oldest, Breyanna, has the sweetest heart, is creative, loves to learn and is mom’s best helper.  She likes to get As in school, bakes the best chocolate chip cookies, do crosswords, hang with her friends, do nails, and shop.  Oh, and she’ll FOREVER remember your little one(s), either here on Earth or ones in Heaven.  I’m not even kidding.

Jude, “Jude Bear”, is witty, loves bugs and any creature, gives the best hugs and kisses, and can always be found outside climbing on something he’s probably not supposed to. 

Blayne, “Blayner Boo”, has the most contagious smile, loves sports, has lots of energy, desires to be around others, and loves swimming. 

Gus, the most mature of the boys I think, ha! He makes himself laugh (which makes us all laugh), picks mom over anyone, loves dogs, riding his bike, and Spiderman.


Mike likes coffee and she does not.  He is always hot while she is cold.  He’s laid-back and she doesn’t know how to relax.  He wakes up early and she’s the night owl.  She’s the organizer and list maker and he’s the follow through.  He watches the Office while she’s reading fiction.  She can talk to anyone about anything…he’s gotten better at it.   He likes to run while she’d rather fold laundry (that’s a serious dislike for running!)  She doesn’t know how to build a thing while he can whip up a table in a day.  A complete image of ‘opposites attract’ but proof of God’s faithfulness.  We’re best friends–still holding hands and grossing the kids out.  We have weekly date nights and put each other first after God.  14 years of marriage down and 50 to go!
